David Neville

Dr David Neville

Sessional Lecturer in New Testament Studies

PhD (Murdoch), BD (Melb Coll Divinity), BA (Berea)

Contact Details

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✉️ dneville@csu.edu.au


David Neville is a Sessional lecturer in New Testament Studies, including Introduction to New Testament Studies and The Synoptic Gospels. He has a PhD from Murdoch University.

David has taught for the School of Theology at Charles Sturt University since mid-2002 and for St Francis College since 2019.

Alongside research and writing, David enjoys spending time with family, reading, and walking. He is married to Sonia and has two children and grandchildren.



Arguments from Order in Synoptic Source Criticism: A History and Critique. New Gospel Studies 7. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1994.

Mark’s Gospel—Prior or Posterior? A Reappraisal of the Phenomenon of Order, JSNTSS 222. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.

A Peaceable Hope: Contesting Violent Eschatology in New Testament Narratives. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013.

The Vehement Jesus: Grappling with Troubling Gospel Texts. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017.

Editor, Prophecy and Passion: Essays in Honour of Athol Gill. Adelaide: Australian Theological Forum, 2002.

Co-editor, with Philip Matthews, Faith and Freedom: Christian Ethics in a Pluralist Culture. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2003.

Co-editor, with Bruce Barber, Theodicy and Eschatology. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2005.

Co-editor, with Keith Dyer, Resurrection and Responsibility: Essays on Theology, Scripture, and Ethics in Honor of Thorwald Lorenzen. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2009.

Co-editor, with Jione Havea and Elaine Wainwright, Bible, Borders, Belonging(s): Engaging Readings from Oceania. Semeia Studies 75. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.

Editor, The Bible, Justice and Public Theology. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014.

Guest co-editor, with Heather Thomson, of a special issue of the International Journal of Public Theology, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2009), dealing with the theme of “Restoring Justice.”

Guest co-editor, with Jeanette Mathews, of a special issue of St Mark’s Review, No. 239 (March 2017), entitled “Encountering God: Teasing (out) themes in biblical theology.”

Research Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“King, Merton and Barth: Their Abiding Significance,” in Faith and Freedom: Christian Ethics in a Pluralist Culture, edited by David Neville and Philip Matthews (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2003), 95–125.

“God’s Presence and Power: Christology, Eschatology and ‘Theodicy’ in Mark’s Crucifixion Narrative,” in Theodicy and Eschatology, edited by Bruce Barber and David Neville (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2005), 19–41.

“The Demise of the Two-Document Hypothesis? Dunn and Burkett on Gospel Sources,” Pacifica 19/1 (February 2006): 78–92.

“The Second Testament as a Covenant of Peace,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 37/1 (Spring 2007): 27–35.

“Toward a Teleology of Peace: Contesting Matthew’s Violent Eschatology,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 30/2 (2007): 131–61. [Reissued in New Testament Studies, 4 volumes, SAGE Benchmarks in Religious Studies, edited by Paul Foster (Sage Publications, 2010), Volume 2, chapter 24.]

“Moral Vision and Eschatology in Mark’s Gospel: Coherence or Conflict?” Journal of Biblical Literature 127/2 (Summer 2008): 359–84.

“The Phantom Returns: Delbert Burkett’s Rehabilitation of Proto-Mark,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 84/1 (April 2008): 135–73.

“Dialectic as Method in Public Theology: Recalling Jacques Ellul,” International Journal of Public Theology 2/2 (2008): 163–81.

“Justice and Divine Judgment: Scriptural Perspectives for Public Theology,” International Journal of Public Theology 3/3 (2009): 339–56.

“Grace Elicits Correspondences: The Christian Theologian as Peacemaker,” in Embracing Grace – The Theologian’s Task: Essays in Honour of Graeme Garrett, edited by Heather Thomson (Canberra: Barton Books, 2009), 119–34.

“Creation Reclaimed: Resurrection and Responsibility in Mark 15:40–16:8,” in Resurrection and Responsibility: Essays on Theology, Scripture, and Ethics in Honor of Thorwald Lorenzen, edited by Keith D. Dyer and David J. Neville (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2009), 95–115.

“Faithful, True, and Violent? Christology and ‘Divine Vengeance’ in the Revelation to John,” in Compassionate Eschatology: The Future as Friend, edited by Ted Grimsrud and Michael Hardin (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011), 56–84.

“Christian Scripture and Public Theology: Ruminations on their Ambiguous Relationship,” International Journal of Public Theology 7/1 (2013): 5–23.

“Calamity and the Biblical God—Borderline or Line of Belonging? Intratextual Tension in Luke 13,” in Bible, Borders, Belonging(s): Engaging Readings from Oceania, edited by Jione Havea, David J. Neville, and Elaine M. Wainwright (Atlanta: SBL, 2014), 39–55.

“The Bible, Justice and Public Theology: An Introductory Essay,” in The Bible, Justice and Public Theology, edited by David J. Neville (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014), 1–21.

“Parable as Paradigm for Public Theology: Relating Theological Vision to Social Life,” in The Bible, Justice and Public Theology, edited by David J. Neville (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014), 145–60.

“Toward a Hermeneutic of Shalom: Reading Texts of Teleological Terror in Peace Perspective,” Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 34/4 (2014): 339–48.

“Love of Enemies, New Testament,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Volume 17 (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019), 70–72.

“Like Lightning? Luke 17:22–37 Revisited in Interfaith Perspective,” in Things the Make for Peace: Traversing Text and Tradition in Christianity and Islam, edited by Anthony Rees (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020), 13–24.

Further Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Anabaptist Pacifism,” Faith and Freedom: A Journal of Christian Ethics 6/2 (August 1998): 12–16. [Reprinted with a response by Graeme R. Chatfield in South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, No. 28 (July 2003): 33–39.]

“Colour and Criticism: Light on the Gospels,” St Mark’s Review, No. 195 (2004): 29–36.

“C. S. Lewis and Christian Pacifism,” in Faith and Freedom: Christian Ethics in a Pluralist Culture, edited by David Neville and Philip Matthews (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2003), 205–216.

“Jesus’ Vision of God’s Fair Reign,” in “Into the World You Love”: Encountering God in Everyday Life, edited by Graeme Garrett (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2007), 36–49.

“The Bible as a Public Document: A Perspective on the Contribution of Anglicanism,” St Mark’s Review, No. 203 (2007): 35–45.

“Violating Faith via Eschatological Violence: Reviewing Matthew’s Eschatology,” in Validating Violence – Violating Faith: Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Violence, edited by William Emilsen and John Squires (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2008), 95–110.

“‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me’: Preaching from Luke in Year C,” St Mark’s Review, No. 213 (2010): 57–70.

“Things new and old: Preaching from Matthew in Year A,” St Mark’s Review, No. 216 (2011): 25–41.

“The way of the Lord: Preaching from Mark in Year B,” St Mark’s Review, No. 219 (2012): 17–34.

“The Spirit of promise: Preaching from Acts,” St Mark’s Review, No. 223 (2013): 51–66.

“The moral vision of Jesus in Matthew 5,” St Mark’s Review, No. 227 (2014): 46–61.

“Betwixt and between: Healing social distancing in Luke 17:11–19,” St Mark’s Review, No. 253 (2020): 60–69.

“Rightwising humility: Reviewing Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Agent in Luke 18:9–14,” St Mark’s Review, No. 256 (2021): 97–107.

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