As each SFC Short Course is completed, Participants create a Conversation Piece that demonstrates or points to their learning. They meet with their Conversation Partner for a discussion. The goal of this Post-Course Conversation (PCC) is for a chat to unfold that enables the Participant to showcase their learning. Conversation Partners run the PCC using the PCC outline supplied.
Ok, let’s unpack this…
What are Conversation Pieces (CPs)?
A Conversation Piece collage made after completing the SFC Short Course, “What Matters about Jesus”
Ever met for a chat and not known how to get conversation flowing?
When you have a Conversation Piece to focus on, it’s a lot easier to get the ideas moving.
Participants create a conversation piece to demonstrate a key point from their learning in the SFC Short Course they’ve just completed.
A Conversation Piece may take a variety of forms, depending on the Participant and the nature of their learning. Conversation Pieces might look like -
· A 600 (or so) word written reflection
· A work of art - paintings, drawings, songs, poems
· A set of curated pictures, referring to specific learning ideas
· A letter in the style of St Paul, to a friend, encouraging them to understand something that really struck you in the course.
· Something else?
A quote, an image, an idea may have sparked something in you. Run with it, see what you can create from this “a-ha'“ moment.
Your Conversation Piece doesn’t have to describe everything in the course, just a spark that happened along the way. It might contain points of learning, questions that have arisen, insights made and reflections and links between the content of the SFC Short Course and your experience. It is NOT an assessable piece!
It will be the launch pad for a conversation about the ideas you found through that SFC Short Course.
Why not bring your journal to the Post-Course Conversation? Then you can dip into it for other ideas too.
PCCs will take a minimum of around one hour.
Conversation Partners might brief the Participant prior to the PCC with some basic questions (from the PCC Outline), to suggest a loose agenda. It is not anticipated, however, that participants need to prepare any verbal responses to such questions. The Conversation Piece should provide a good prompt or springboard for Participants to answer questions without extensive preparation.
At its heart, the PCC is a pleasant chat between co-travellers, celebrating the joy of learning. It is never an interrogation or inquiry. By the same token the PCC is not the venue for lectures from Conversation Partners. Their role is simply to ask questions that enable the Participant to demonstrate their learning.