Issue 49 - Frank's News - August 2024

Frank's News - August 2024 Edition
Welcome to "Frank's News"  - a community newsletter for our St Francis College friends and supporters.


Dear Readers,

I have just returned from Fiji where I participated in a consultation about theological education in the Anglican Provinces of Australia, PNG, Melanesia, Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.  It was a delight to be hosted by the St John the Baptist Theological College in Suva, in the Diocese of Polynesia.  There was much we could learn from our Pacific neighbours, for example the theological students at St John the Baptist need to complete a Certificate IV in Resilience (Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction) so they can minister to the communities who will lose their ancestral homes as sea levels rise as a result of climate change.

At St Francis College this semester we welcome to our teaching team Dr Matthew Beckmann, a Franciscan friar, to teach our two church history units, and welcome back Bishop Jonathan Holland and Archbishop Emeritus Phillip Aspinall to teach the Being Anglican unit. Dr Adam Couchman is our new academic dean, and although working from Melbourne for some of the remainder of this year can easily be contracted by email or phone and a time to meet on teams or zoom set up.  With our Registrar Linda Burridge going on leave until August 26, it is important that any course enquires including amendments to enrolment prior to Census day (19 August) are directed to Adam.

Please note that we have Open Day and Seekers Day coming up on August 31 and there will be an opportunity to hear about research interests from both Dr Adam Couchman and Associate Professor Peter Kline, now returned from sabbatical in semester one. Please register on the link below.

A successful Senior Ichthus Camp for Grades 7-12 was held at the end of June and planning is underway for the Junior Ichthus Camp for Grades 3-6 in the September school holidays.  Registrations will open next week.

During the Spiritual Direction Formation Program Intensive (30 Sept-3 Oct) several students will graduate from the excellent four-year program.

St Francis Day is on October 4, the last day of the Season of Creation. The Queensland Churches’ Environmental Network have developed an app which includes 34 daily devotions, with reflections and prayers from various Christian denominations across Australia. The links to download the app are: Season of Creation on the App Store ( and Season of Creation for Android - Free App Download ( For more information, visit or contact



Are you:
✔ interested in studying theology including Biblical Studies, Church History,
      Mission & Ministry and Anglican Studies?
✔ looking to upskill and advance your professional development?
✔ wanting to understand and strengthen your faith?

Join us for the St Francis College Open Day
Saturday 31 August 2024 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Come and explore our diverse range of study options and see all that St Francis College has to offer.
⭐ Engage with our teaching staff.
⭐ Enquire about courses and subjects.
⭐ Hear firsthand from current students about their experiences.
⭐ Take a tour of our stunning site and facilities.
⭐ Hear from two of our lecturers
Assoc. Prof. Peter Kline: Is God a Projection of Our Psyches? On the Intersection of Theology and
Psychology. Check out his teaser video here.

Dr Adam Couchman: An Open Table? Does all really mean all?

Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore your educational and spiritual journey.
Please register your attendance for catering purposes on Trybooking today .
Please click here to look at the Program.
Seeker's Afternoon will follow the Open Day. Please see article below.


Are you considering ministry in the Anglican Church?
Seekers Day will be a time of discussion, information, discernment and reflection on vocation, ministry and more!
Suitable for anyone considering ministry of any kind in the Anglican Church.

Saturday 25 May 2024 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Following the St Francis College Open Day
St Francis College, Baroona Rd, Milton

For more details and to register your interest.
Click here to email and register:
Enquiries: or phone 3514 7414 (Mon - Thurs).


Dr Adam Couchman is the new Academic Dean at St Francis College and is a lecturer in Systematic Theology.
He has recently been awarded his PhD where he investigated Jesus as a worshipper in the light of the creeds.

Adam’s studies have included research into the sacramentality of the ceremonies of The Salvation Army, the theological anthropology of Gregory of Nyssa, and Christian holiness. Adam’s undergraduate degree was completed through the Sydney College of Divinity, his Honours through Charles Sturt University, and his MA with Distinction was awarded by the University of Manchester.

Adam has taught previously in the areas of Worship and Theology. He enjoys seeing students deepen in their faith and for this to have an impact on their ministry and personal spirituality. A student recently shared with Adam; “At first, I was afraid of taking your class, but you made learning more understandable than I imagined.”

Adam was also an Officer in The Salvation Army for seventeen years and was the Registrar at Yarra Theological Union. 

Adam’s research areas are Christology, Trinity, Worship, Liturgy, Historical Theology, Holiness and Sanctification.
You can contact Adam at or on 3514 7420.



The St Francis College / University of Divinity team presented a colourful display at the Tertiary Studies Expo on the weekend of July 13-14 at the iconic home of the EKKA. It was an exciting weekend showcasing all the courses and options we have to offer to secondary school graduates and their families, as well as teachers and guidance counsellors from Queensland's secondary schools. We had many wonderful conversations over the course of the weekend.



On Friday 19 July, author the Ven. Dr Anne van Gend was in conversation with The Rev. Canon Nicki Colledge about Anne's book Restoring the Story: The Good News of Atonement.
The nature of the event was very low-key; a chat between friends to draw out the insights that Anne has gleaned whilst exploring this topic. While it was not an official book-launch with a formal response, it was a fabulous opportunity to hear from Anne first-hand, ask questions, have our books signed, enjoy light refreshments and share good company … and we found that our time together was even better than we had hoped it could be! 

Are we getting too squeamish about the atonement? There is a quiet crisis of confidence in many Western churches. Confusion, debates and changing sensibilities have thrown doubt on whether one of our central doctrines can be reliably communicated as “good news” today. This book approaches atonement through story, allowing imagination to illuminate the multi-faceted meanings in Christ’s atoning work, and exploring how those rich stories can be good news for the complex issues of our day.

An On the Way podcast was recorded where Anne was in conversation with Peter, Sue and Dom! Here is a link for where you can buy Anne’s book. If you do not have your own, you can borrow the Roscoe Library copy. You may need to be patient as it’s often out on loan!


Are you
  • Asking ‘what’s next?’ in your faith journey?
  • Wondering how people grow into deeper faith?
  • Questioning your understanding of the Bible, Jesus, or God?
  • Looking for something to do when the rest of the share house is working on their model aeroplanes or scrolling? Interested in meeting new people on a faith journey like yours?

Then the ATP certificate is for you!

The Anglican Theology and Practice Certificate (ATPc) encourages learning in areas of spirituality and faith, the Christian story and more.

The ATP certificate is a structured learning experience that you can do on your own or with a group. A Participant chooses four short courses and checks in with a Conversation Partner to chat about their learning after completing each one. Add in one get-together with other Participants from around the diocese to celebrate your progress and then you’re done!

Who is it for?

Whoever wants to grow their faith a little, or a lot!
Parishes might decide to ask their liturgical assistants, children’s church leaders, parish councillors, or adult confirmees to do the ATP certificate. It’s up to you!
For more information, please click here.



Are you planning a corporate or private function such as a family reunion, workshop, wedding or community event in 2024? Have you considered using the gracious Old Bishopsbourne? This heritage-listed building is equipped with WiFi and lecture facilities, has a fully functional kitchen and is surrounded by beautiful spacious grounds. It has flexible seating for 60; and features a number of breakout configurations.
For more information please contact Rod.




Need a break from the daily grind of city life? Try out our Diocese’s Pointro Campsite at Boonah.

Pointro Campsite offers affordable accommodation, spectacular views, lots of water activity options, hot showers, a friendly onsite manager and a tranquil place to relax.

  • There is a roomy bunkhouse, which has been fitted with a new gas stove and has free satellite TV, a huge kitchen, plenty of hot water, a games room and more.
  • There are also eight well-spaced-out campsites with stunning outlooks.
  • You can enjoy the open-air chapel where you can see the water from different directions from the pews. It is a peaceful spot to sit and contemplate, to pray or to worship with others.
  • Experience the beautiful waterhole, complete with waterfall, which is large enough for swimming.

Because of the peacefulness, the campsite is the perfect place for parishes and ministries to enjoy fellowship time or go on retreat or pilgrimage.

The campsite and bunkhouse facilities are affordable, with camping from $15 per night per person and the bunkhouse from $25 per night per person.
Want to know more? Read the anglican focus article 'How's the serenity?'

For bunkhouse bookings, please email For campsite bookings, please call the campsite manager Bill on 0491 446 271.
(the only traffic jam you'll encounter is cows!)

For all our latest news, subject offerings, and the wide range of degree and postgraduate courses check out our  Website or Facebook page.


Please use the email addresses below to contact SFC Staff:  The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson - Executive Director/Principal Rod Mengel - Property & Finance Manager  Linda Burridge - Registrar  Adam Couchman - Academic Dean Peter Kline - Research Co-ordinator +Sarah Plowman - Director of Discernment Eve James - Library Manager  Administration/Reception Jonathan Sargeant - Formed Faith Dale Keenan - Spiritual Direction Elissa Cotroneo - AYCF (Anglican Youth, Children and Families).

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