
Theme 5: Other Elements of the Liturgy

In this theme…

1. What are we referring to when we talk about the liturgical year?

2. What is the symbolism behind the special clothes for worship: vestments?

3. What is the lectionary and how is it an aid to worship?

4. Why do we sing in worship?

5. The rubrics often mention pauses and moments of silence. Why is silence so useful in worship?

6. Why do we mark important life transitions with worship?

  1. What have you noticed about the ‘seasons’ of the liturgical year? Is this something that you are particularly aware of, or is this a new idea for you?

  2. Many people have a favourite season; how about you? Which liturgical colour and theme do you particularly relate to?

  3. Remember a time when the celebration of a particular part of the liturgical year meant a lot to you. Think of the people involved, where you were, the music, the feel and what it came to mean.

  1. The ‘special clothes for worship: vestments’ are designed to focus our attention on Jesus. What have you noticed about them?

  2. In your experience, what role do the colourful vestments play in liturgy? There are many different views about this, see if others have differing experiences from your own. Listen to their story and understand what matters to that person.

  3. Some people feel they need to dress up to come to Church. Some others feel that there is one basic rule: wear some clothes! What is your experience, and opinion? How does dressing up or down help or hinder someone’s experience of Church community and worship?

  1. If you have yet to see or use a lectionary, check out the apps like Dailylectio and see if it’s something you might use.

  2. What are the implications of a common lectionary, used by many of the major Christian Churches?

  3. Devise new ways of using the lectionary in your family or in your own daily routine. What would that look like in your life?

  1. Remember a time when music in Church was particularly special or important to you. Discuss why it meant so much at the time and in your memory. What was happening? Who was there? What music was it?

  2. Where else in your life do you sing with others? Is the experience the same for you as singing in Church? If so, what are the common elements. If not, what is different and special?

  3. Specialists have discovered the crucial role that music has in our older years. Some use music as therapy for people who have lost memories, or abilities. In what ways can a Church community use music to engage all ages?

  1. Silence is a rare commodity in the 21st Century. In what ways does silence contribute to your understanding of, or relationship with God?

  2. Sit with 1 Kings 19:11-13 for a bit. Verse 12 mentions “a sound of sheer silence” in the NRSV translation. What does that sound like?

  3. Practice God-focussed silence this week. See if you have 5 minutes each day to actively create silence (headphones can be useful if you don’t happen to have a handy mountain-top!) and give the time to God. Invite God to visit and wait and see.

  4. Notice the silences when you are next in a Church worship service. Ask others about the role silence plays in their experience of God.

  1. Have you experienced any Christian rites of passage? Which have you experienced personally? Which have you shared as a guest or visitor? What did you notice about these?

  2. Baptism, Admission to Communion, Confirmation...which is most significant to you?

  3. What other rites of passage exist in our society, outside of the Church? Describe one and discuss: What is the purpose of the rite? Who is involved? What are the ‘states of life’ that the participant moves between?