You are invited to the official diocesan launch of innerVIVID and ASKaround.
This exciting initiative includes:
➤ innerVIVID video series
➤ ASKaround conversation-starter card decks
The innerVIVID adventure is all about sparking conversations that matter through engaging questions. Come and see what everyone’s talking about!
➤ 5:00 pm: Drinks and gathering
➤ 5:15 pm: An action-packed hour of new ideas, featuring a chance to meet the stellar talent behind the innerVIVID videos and to play with the ASKaround question cards. Who could resist?
➤ Decks will be available for purchase on the day.
➤ Archbishop Jeremy Greaves: Archbishop of Anglican Church Southern Queensland
➤ Jonathan Sargeant: Director, Lay Education
➤ Fiona Hammond: Education Officer
To assisting with catering, please register here: